Week 15 Fantasy Football and Win Projections

When it comes to win projections for the week, I’ve already had a couple of surprises.  Chargers going for two at the end of the Thursday night game was rather gutsy and gave them the win over the Chiefs that I didn’t

Week 14 Fantasy Football Predictions

So…about Derrick Henry… Before I start, just want to say…not a huge fan of WordPress 5.0.  It’s really rather aggravating.  And I just realized I don’t know how to move between “visual” and “text” anymore.  Just great! All right, so if you

Week 14 Thursday Night Football Fantasy Projections

Austin Jazz Week 13 Update Ouch!  Not only did I lose, but my game was featured in our league as being the Biggest Blowout of the Week!  I didn’t have much of a chance at all really.  When all was said and

Week 13 Fantasy Football Projections

Austin Jazz Week 12 Update The Austin Jazz is on a three game Win Streak!!! Yahoo!!! All right, getting a little ahead of myself, but I’m rather proud of how I’ve done the last few weeks.  Last week, there was once again

Thanksgiving Day 2018 Fantasy Football Projections

Thanksgiving! Lately, it’s been rare that I get a chance to spend Thanksgiving with my family on the actual Thanksgiving Day.  For the last few years I’ve been in New York and worked through the Thanksgiving Weekend.  Last year I came down

Week 10 Fantasy Football Predictions

Austin Jazz Week 9 Recap I don’t even know what to make of what happened to my team last week. I thought maybe I just hadn’t prepared to have a couple of key players on a Bye week (which is even worse

Week 9 Fantasy Football Predictions

Austin Jazz Week 8 Recap There is probably nothing worse in the world than losing by one point in Fantasy Football.  Well, okay, there is a lot more worse in the world, but at that moment on a Sunday night at 10:30

Forecasting Oil Futures with SARIMAX: A Simple and “Crude” Approach

Introduction A few weeks ago, I published a post on predicting Avocado Prices that, I thought, turned out pretty well using the SARIMAX algorithm in the Statsmodels library in Python.  Shortly afterward, while on a trip to Houston, I was talking about that blog post with

Week 7 Fantasy Football Predictions

My Team’s Week 6 Recap I really had to laugh at what happened to my team this last weekend.  And based on the tone of that last sentence (and my reaction to the picture above) you can probably guess what happened if